The News from Magruder 7/10-16 (featuring guest blogger Rikki Earle)
This week, we asked Resource Staff member, Rikki Earle to be a guest blogger and talk about the week from her perspective.
I worked a lot with the Mini Camp; first and second graders
sure are a crack up. It made me realize how much I missed being the dean. That
age is a ton of fun to work with; they are so curious and energetic about
everything. I think secretly I was happy to hand the reins over to someone
else. A lot of work goes into planning and leading a camp, I don’t know that I
would have had the time or energy to plan a week worthy enough for the campers.
Along with program camps we had a few retreat groups join
us. Camp Grandma was here the first half of the week. Different from the Grand
Camps we host, this was just one family. The grandparents are from Bay City and
they take their 5 grandkids for a week of the summer. This year they decided to
come to Magruder. I was on the water trampoline with them for a while, Andrea
and 4 of the kids came out and were all jumping together. Well, it was more
like the boys were jumping and the girls were trying to stay on their feet. It
was so cool to see the pure love they all have for each other, some of the kids
are from Washington and some are from California. Even though they don’t live
close to each other, the relationships they have with one another are strong. I’m
sure that has something to do with Andrea and the trips she takes them all on. It’s
nice to see this place I have called home for so long help connect family
members that live in different places.
After Camp Grandma left, a new group came in called Camp
More. This is their very first year as a camp group. Camp More is a group
designed to empower teens who stutter to find their voice and use it more, as
well as building more self-confidence. I spent a lot of time on the trampoline
so it should come as no surprise that I was out there for a while with Camp
More. I was talking to this one young lady about her goals and plans for the
future. The passion and dedication I could see in her during our conversation
was empowering. She is going into her senior year of high school and has more
figured out for herself than I did when I was a senior. I told her that I was studying
communications and special education and she made a comment about becoming an
SLP (speech and language pathologist). It’s never good to put ideas in my head
like that; I’m apt to change my degree plan for the 6th time.
Making connections was a hope I had for myself at the start
of this week. Connecting with people and building relationships is really
something that drives me and gives me a feeling of purpose. We had a lot of
people come through our gates this week. I think that’s really the beauty of
being involved in a camp and retreat center, knowing that this is a meeting
place for so many different people and groups. We are able to bring people back
together as well as help facilitate the growth of new relationships.
Rikki is a second year summer staffer, who has also been a camper, counselor, and camp dean. If you visit Magruder this summer you may find her lifeguarding, leading challenge course, waxing poetic about Harry Potter, or singing the Stegosaurus Song.
And, she's just plain, pretty cool! Thanks for all you do Rikki! :)