A Busy Week

With all the rain we've had in the past week, even the newts are on the march to higher ground. Program staff have been bailing the rowboats out just as fast as they are filling with rain for the groups in camp to use them each day. Despite the rain, students have been outdoors continuing to participate in field study lessons, campfires, flag ceremonies, a polar bear swim, and recreation time. 

This week we've been very busy at Camp Magruder. We have been host to two large groups (Sunnyside Environmental School and the Northwest Regional ESD Outdoor Science School) totaling about 270. Our kitchen crew has been working hard to serve meals both upstairs and downstairs in the dining hall and often at overlapping times. It's been long hours for them, but our guests have been enjoying quality food served to them with love. 

Our housekeeping and maintenance crews have been busy keeping camp in tip-top shape solving all the minor issues that come up with so many people in camp at one time. I wonder how many rolls of toilet paper have been replaced this week in camp. 

We are gearing up for the big holiday weekend this weekend. We'll be hosts to the Southridge High School Choir Retreat, Gresham FUMC Family Camp, Forest Grove UMC Family Camp, and our annual Memorial Day Family Camp. It is the official start to our busy camping season... if only the weather would cooperate. Don't forget its not too late to get yourself, friends, or family signed up for camping events this summer or to become a volunteer at Camp Magruder. Visit www.gocamping.org for more information. 


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