Busy June

We kicked off our summer season with an incredible few weeks of fun at Camp Magruder. We've completed our summer program staff training and built a solid team. They are a small but mighty crew this year who are eager to serve our guests.

We worked with the annual Upward Bound trip from Portland State University. They brought a large group of high school students to learn leadership skills, participate in a color war, go swimming, boating, and try their hand at archery.

We held Grand Camp 1, the Pittsburgh School for the Choral Arts, and 1-2 Grade Camp at the start of this week. We are currently working with Beach Adventures, Celebrating the Arts, and Music Art Dance and Drama Camps. Campers have been doing archery, boating, tie-dye, swimming, wave jumping, singing, crafts, learning about malaria and how they can help join the fight against that in Africa, and learning about the "All Things New" curriculum. Tonight we are looking forward to the all camp talent show. Stay tuned for the highlights.

1-2 Grade Campfire

Grand Camp 1 Sand Castle Competition

Staff Eagerly Awaiting Camper Arrivals

Campers Reuniting with Friends

Stocking the Camp Store

1-2 Grade Campers Moving In
Campers Awaiting the Arrival of Cabinmates

Making Nametags

Meeting Counselors 
Beach Adventures Creating Art Pieces
Tide Pooling


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