Recycling Day

What a beautiful day here at Camp Magruder. The temperature was in the lower 60's, but it felt downright warm compared to the past few weeks. Needless to say outdoor work was done today.

Today we took our first trip to Cart'm Recycling Center in Manzanita for the spring. Unlike living in the city, we have to haul out all of our recyclable items to big drop off centers. Cart'm recycles just about everything in huge labeled bins. Most of the staff there are volunteers as well. We have spent several years working to get our recycling system running smoothly here at camp. We've still got some kinks to work out, but this spring we plan to overhaul our current recycling center to make it more functional in wet coastal weather. The whole process from sorting to unloading and returning with empty bins takes approximately 4 hours. March through November we make at least one trip to the Cart'm every couple of weeks.

I thought I'd share some photos of what camp looks like today.


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