World Malaria Day

April 25 is World Malaria Day. While for many countries Malaria no longer poses the threat of death, Sub-Saharan Africa is another story.

There has been a lot accomplished in the fight against Malaria over the past four years with the help of the United Methodist Church. Money has been raised to purchase medicine and mosquito nets for distribution as well as training for medical workers in Africa. There is still plenty for us to do in order to wipe out Malaria and its effects on our world.

This summer at Camp Magruder we plan on raising awareness and support for the Imagine No Malaria campaign through group discussion, activities, and fundraising. Hopefully, campers will be inspired to act and share the Imagine No Malaria message with their communities.

An alternate giving idea for this Mother's Day.

For more information and resources on how you can get involved with the Imagine No Malaria project visit or


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